Saturday 10 March 2018

【积善的方法】十个善等于一个功德(中英版,Chinese & English versions)

积善的方法 ; 十个善等于一个功德

Means of Accumulating Merits——Ten Good Deeds Are Equivalent to One ‘Merit and Virtue’

● 人家讲别人不好,自己不讲别人不好,一次一善。
Refraining from criticizing those who were already under verbal attack counts as one good deed.

● 人家传播别人不好,你去劝他,一次五善。
Dissuading others from broadcasting other people’s shortcomings counts as five good deeds.

● 对父母亲一天尊敬不顶撞,一日算一善。
Respecting your parents and refraining from talking back to them for a full day counts as one good deed.

● 工作一天非常努力,一善。
Working diligently for a full day counts as one good deed.

● 尊敬长辈、尊敬领导一天,一善。
Respecting your elders and your superiors at work for a full day counts as one good deed.

● 放生,一命一善,小命十命为一善(小的生命十条命为一善),大命(比如狗、牛)为十善(一条大鱼一善,一条黑鱼一善)。
Life liberations are good deeds. Releasing an animal counts as one good deed. However, this depends on the size of the animal.
Freeing ten small animals counts as one good deed;
Rescuing a large animal (such as a dog or a cow) counts as ten good deeds;
Freeing a large fish, or a blackfish counts as one good deed.

● 把死掉的小动物埋葬,一条命五善;如果是小的,比如麻雀,五条命一善。
Burying a dead animal counts as five good deeds. However, it also depends on the size of the animal.
For example, burying the dead bodies of five small animals (such as sparrows) counts as one good deed.

● 安慰有烦恼忧愁的人,一次一善。
Comforting people who are distressed or sad counts as one good deed.

● 用米饭喂小鸟、蚂蚁、小虫子等,两次一善。
Feeding birds, ants or other insects with rice twice counts as one good deed.

● 见到伪经劝人不要学,为一善。
Dissuading others from studying forged scriptures counts as one good deed.

● 为君王、亲友、父母、知识诵经一卷,二善;念佛号千声,二善;礼佛百拜,为别人拜是二善,为自己拜是一善。
Reciting a Buddhist scripture once for kings, nobles, parents, family members, and virtuous and high-minded friends counts as two good deeds;
Chanting the name of a Buddha a thousand times counts as two good deeds;
Making a hundred prostrations to a Buddha for the benefit of others counts as two good deeds, whilst doing so for yourself counts as one good deed.

● 讲大乘佛经,五个人以上浏览,一善。人越多,多多益善。
Making an online post explaining Mahayana Buddhist scriptures counts as one good deed. This only counts if the post is viewed by at least five people. The more people view this post, the more good deeds will be accumulated.

● 借人财物,如期而还,不过期限,一善。
Returning a borrowed article on time counts as one good deed.

● 把各位善贤大德向善的话语发给大家看,十善。
Circulating teachings promoting morality written by sages or virtuous personages counts as ten good deeds.

● 见善必行,一次一善;知错必改,一次一善。
Performing acts of kindness wherever possible. One act of kindness counts as one good deed.
Promptly correcting a mistake you have made counts as one good deed.

● 向老板上司说别人的优点,向别人推荐其他有能力的人,一个人才十善。
Speaking highly of the merits of a colleague or recommending a talented person to your supervisor counts as ten good deeds.

● 看到别人骂善人,劝他不要这样做,五善。
Dissuading others from insulting a virtuous person counts as five good deeds.

● 别人骂你,你不骂他,一次一善;别人伤害你,你不伤害别人,一次一善。
Refraining from retaliating against those who have insulted or hurt you counts as one good deed.

● 自己承担过错,或者把功劳推给别人,一次二善。
Bearing the faults of others or giving credit to others counts as two good deeds.

● 宣扬他人的善行,一次一善。
Highlighting others’ good deeds counts as one good deed.

● 煮死一条鱼,削禄二十善。
Killing a fish undoes twenty good deeds.

● 怨天尤人一次,削禄三善。
Complaining the heaven is not fair and blaming everyone and everything but yourself undoes three good deeds.

* Edited and proofread by 2OR Secretariat

摘自2018年1月21日卢军宏台长《玄艺问答 》广播节目。
Excerpt from Master Junhong Lu's radio program on Jan. 21, 2018.

Namaste, Page Admin