Sunday 6 June 2021

Interviewed Master Jun Hong Lu, understanding his Buddhism concepts applying in practical daily lives.

Interview Master Jun hong Lu - understanding Master Jun Hong Lu's Buddhism concept on how to apply in daily lives and to be freed from sufferings in modern days. 

At a.m. of Nov. 19, I interviewed Jun hong Lu in Berlin

buddhism guanyin citta dharma door
Danish Journalist in person with The World Renowned Buddhist Teacher Lu Jun Hong
famous buddhist teacher
Lu Jun Hong with Mr. Mark Donfried, at ICD Berlin Germany

I asked, “Master Lu, do you have any plan for promoting world peace?”
The director replied that: everyone desires peace, to do more contribution to the world peace is what every Buddhist leader shall do; actually, Buddhism is earning-less, and to learn Buddhism shall be to insist on compassion and use the compassion to forgive and settle wars and domestic and social conflicts. The prize I won will also encourage me to do more contribution to the world peace in future.
We all live in the global village and I hope everyone can do more contribution to the globe to get rid of hardship, natural disasters and even the man-made calamity. Peace is a good medicine which makes a person feel peaceful, so people in the world love peace; to let the people in the world to understand the compassion spiritual concept of the Buddhism can make the world to be more peaceful. I am very exciting and cherish the existence of the peace much more.Toda’s peace is actually created by thousands of people who have being contributed like the Director. We cannot enjoy the peace without the contribution of our predecessors; it is just like the South Africa’s revolutionist, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, who has won more than one hundred prizes in forty years, including the Nobel Peace Prize won in 1993. Mandela who had taken the post of the president for six years and had been executed for 27 years was the first South Africa’s president elected by people and is respected by people all over the world. He devoted himself to the abolishment of the racial segregation system and the realization of the racial reconciliation and reduced poverty and unfairness. He led the South Africa’s people for the racial reconciliation during the transitional period of promoting multi-racial democracy after he was discharged from prison. Since the racial segregation system was ended, Mandela was appraised even by the opponents in past. We only need peace rather than war, so it encourages me to do more contribution for the world peace.
In fact, the Buddhism considers that both a family and a country need a peaceful mind. We need to get rid of war rather than letting the war kill the human if we need a peaceful world. We shall remove the war and the annoyance in the man’s world by using the concept of peace. I hope the world to be in peace forever so as to protect our children and future generations and let them enjoy the happiness of peace. In the aspect of education, we shall let our children know how important the peace is for us since they are young. To carry forward the Chinese traditional essential culture, we shall know the culture and shall take the compassion of person to fuse the enmity in the world.
Master Lu said again, ‘At present, I am the alliance member of the international congress, the United Nations has a new constitutional law which has not been issued, and we shall promote the world peace better by using cultural peace. I hope people in future can better accept the peace concept of religion. A person shall live in a peaceful society and shall have a right of owning the life in the peaceful society. In current world, the United Nations is enabled to promote the humanistic society and the cultural peace to the world, and generalize the international morality and ethics. I am invited to participate a cultural peace meeting held by the United Nations in New York and make a speech in the meeting. The Kill of Morocco also invites me to hold a meeting. Meanwhile, I am invited by some countries to make speech in their countries. I will promote this proposal to let more countries in the world to implement the cultural peace.’

Thank ICD for presenting me with such a great honour. I feel very privileged. This award  will certainly inspire me to work harder,   and do everything I can to promote intercultural exchange and world Peace
In the meantime, I hope that, through this event, more people can understand the concepts of Buddhism better and welcome them with open arms, so that we can be closer to the dream of a more peaceful world.
The right way of thinking and true wisdom, are the fundamentals for our correct understanding of this world. They are also the fundamentals for providing fitting solutions to the problems we face today.
However, the deviation from the correct way of thinking, and our lack of wisdom,   result   in   our incorrect understanding of the world we live in today. Because of this, we fail to deal with the problems we face in the world with intelligence and wisdom.
That is why we find these long-lasting conflicts between people, and between nations and there does not seem to be functional solutions to them.
Moreover, in our modern society, failing to see through the true nature of things has resulted in harm to ourselves. Therefore, all kinds of mental disorders arise and they become a real problem in many parts of this world.
The development of many problems depends on, to a great extent, how we view and understand them. Since we do not understand these issues fully, we actually contribute to the complex development of these problems.
In other words, if our limited understanding of a certain issue accounts for more than 50% of   the way we see it in our minds, the solution we provide to the issue can only be limited, or   incomprehensive. Hence, all kinds of conflicts can take place.
Therefore, making our minds pure, and transforming the way we see things, can help us become more open-minded, and more selfless. We will be able to let go of our ego, and regard all people with compassion. If we can put the concepts of Buddhism into practice, then I believe,   this world will certainly be filled with love and peace.
I will do everything I can, to promote the unity of all kinds of faiths in the world with the concepts of Buddhism, and to promote intercultural exchange. In the meantime, I hope that, together, we can make this world a more peaceful place.

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