Sunday 26 December 2021

How do you resolve conflicts in marriage or in a relationship?

Buddhism scripture to resolve love problems

Q: Master Lu, how do we resolve “predestined conflicts”—

conflicts between couples or conflicts in marriage? We follow the instruction of your Buddhist practice— Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door—to recite sutras and mantras. But I still cannot wrap my head around the issue.

I recite the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots every day, but still hope that you could give us a clear solution to this problem.

“Predestined conflicts” in relationships can be damaging, as I’ve seen many couples around me breaking up because of them.


“Predestined conflicts” between married couples do exist. If the result of fortune-telling confirms that a husband and his wife are in conflict based on both their birth dates, you could consider employing the following methods to resolve the conflict:

• First, it’s recommended that the couple sleep in different rooms.

• Each person should recite the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots 21 or 49 times per day to resolve their karmic conflicts.

• The rate of effectiveness for resolving a couple’s conflicts by reciting the following sutras and mantras could be around 50% (results vary from person to person):

• Recite the Heart Sutra for each other 7 or 21 times per day.

• Recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance to repent and eliminate the karmic obstacles that lead to the conflict in marriage or in a relationship.

• If the situation has not been turned around after practicing all the above-mentioned methods for quite some time, you will need to recite Little Houses for each other. Address the Little Houses to the “Karmic Creditor of <your partner’s name>”. You can recite more Little Houses if necessary.

source: Buddhism Questions & Answer by Master Lu Jun Hong

Please feel free to contact me via WeChat, my ID is vongyun. I am happy to help. Give yourself a life changing moment by embracing Buddhism, guarantee Free of Charge. 

Sunday 6 June 2021

Interviewed Master Jun Hong Lu, understanding his Buddhism concepts applying in practical daily lives.

Interview Master Jun hong Lu - understanding Master Jun Hong Lu's Buddhism concept on how to apply in daily lives and to be freed from sufferings in modern days. 

At a.m. of Nov. 19, I interviewed Jun hong Lu in Berlin

buddhism guanyin citta dharma door
Danish Journalist in person with The World Renowned Buddhist Teacher Lu Jun Hong
famous buddhist teacher
Lu Jun Hong with Mr. Mark Donfried, at ICD Berlin Germany

I asked, “Master Lu, do you have any plan for promoting world peace?”
The director replied that: everyone desires peace, to do more contribution to the world peace is what every Buddhist leader shall do; actually, Buddhism is earning-less, and to learn Buddhism shall be to insist on compassion and use the compassion to forgive and settle wars and domestic and social conflicts. The prize I won will also encourage me to do more contribution to the world peace in future.
We all live in the global village and I hope everyone can do more contribution to the globe to get rid of hardship, natural disasters and even the man-made calamity. Peace is a good medicine which makes a person feel peaceful, so people in the world love peace; to let the people in the world to understand the compassion spiritual concept of the Buddhism can make the world to be more peaceful. I am very exciting and cherish the existence of the peace much more.Toda’s peace is actually created by thousands of people who have being contributed like the Director. We cannot enjoy the peace without the contribution of our predecessors; it is just like the South Africa’s revolutionist, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, who has won more than one hundred prizes in forty years, including the Nobel Peace Prize won in 1993. Mandela who had taken the post of the president for six years and had been executed for 27 years was the first South Africa’s president elected by people and is respected by people all over the world. He devoted himself to the abolishment of the racial segregation system and the realization of the racial reconciliation and reduced poverty and unfairness. He led the South Africa’s people for the racial reconciliation during the transitional period of promoting multi-racial democracy after he was discharged from prison. Since the racial segregation system was ended, Mandela was appraised even by the opponents in past. We only need peace rather than war, so it encourages me to do more contribution for the world peace.
In fact, the Buddhism considers that both a family and a country need a peaceful mind. We need to get rid of war rather than letting the war kill the human if we need a peaceful world. We shall remove the war and the annoyance in the man’s world by using the concept of peace. I hope the world to be in peace forever so as to protect our children and future generations and let them enjoy the happiness of peace. In the aspect of education, we shall let our children know how important the peace is for us since they are young. To carry forward the Chinese traditional essential culture, we shall know the culture and shall take the compassion of person to fuse the enmity in the world.
Master Lu said again, ‘At present, I am the alliance member of the international congress, the United Nations has a new constitutional law which has not been issued, and we shall promote the world peace better by using cultural peace. I hope people in future can better accept the peace concept of religion. A person shall live in a peaceful society and shall have a right of owning the life in the peaceful society. In current world, the United Nations is enabled to promote the humanistic society and the cultural peace to the world, and generalize the international morality and ethics. I am invited to participate a cultural peace meeting held by the United Nations in New York and make a speech in the meeting. The Kill of Morocco also invites me to hold a meeting. Meanwhile, I am invited by some countries to make speech in their countries. I will promote this proposal to let more countries in the world to implement the cultural peace.’

Thank ICD for presenting me with such a great honour. I feel very privileged. This award  will certainly inspire me to work harder,   and do everything I can to promote intercultural exchange and world Peace
In the meantime, I hope that, through this event, more people can understand the concepts of Buddhism better and welcome them with open arms, so that we can be closer to the dream of a more peaceful world.
The right way of thinking and true wisdom, are the fundamentals for our correct understanding of this world. They are also the fundamentals for providing fitting solutions to the problems we face today.
However, the deviation from the correct way of thinking, and our lack of wisdom,   result   in   our incorrect understanding of the world we live in today. Because of this, we fail to deal with the problems we face in the world with intelligence and wisdom.
That is why we find these long-lasting conflicts between people, and between nations and there does not seem to be functional solutions to them.
Moreover, in our modern society, failing to see through the true nature of things has resulted in harm to ourselves. Therefore, all kinds of mental disorders arise and they become a real problem in many parts of this world.
The development of many problems depends on, to a great extent, how we view and understand them. Since we do not understand these issues fully, we actually contribute to the complex development of these problems.
In other words, if our limited understanding of a certain issue accounts for more than 50% of   the way we see it in our minds, the solution we provide to the issue can only be limited, or   incomprehensive. Hence, all kinds of conflicts can take place.
Therefore, making our minds pure, and transforming the way we see things, can help us become more open-minded, and more selfless. We will be able to let go of our ego, and regard all people with compassion. If we can put the concepts of Buddhism into practice, then I believe,   this world will certainly be filled with love and peace.
I will do everything I can, to promote the unity of all kinds of faiths in the world with the concepts of Buddhism, and to promote intercultural exchange. In the meantime, I hope that, together, we can make this world a more peaceful place.

If you wish to know more about How To Start Performing Recitations, please contact me via WeChat. My WeChat ID is vongyun  I will have your questions answered.

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Master lu jun hong

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva


Caller:  Two days ago, a Buddhist practitioner dreamt of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva giving her guidance:  Daily cultivation and recitations are very important and the accumulated energies are very large.  If we are not diligent, a day’s shortfall in our homework will not produce any result for catching up that day’s work in the future.  After that, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva gave her an idea about the law of conservation of energy, because the Buddhist practitioner had indeed procrastinated and accumulated her daily homework when she was tired and doing all the accumulated recitations incessantly in a day.  Sometimes, her thoughts wandered and she felt very irritable.  This time, she could feel Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva telling her that those improper thoughts were actually her previous life’s karma.  Master Lu, please enlighten us.

Master Jun Hong Lu:  Firstly, this Buddhist practitioner has a very deep affinity with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.  Secondly, I can vouch for the fact that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had indeed said all those words, because while you were delivering your speech just now, I saw Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.  And thirdly, let me tell you, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has a very loving kindness towards mankind and he felt sad that sentient human beings are heading towards the realm of hell in their lifetimes.  This is due to the ignorance of the daily lifestyle to which each phase must pay attention.

Caller: Master Lu, is this to say that we must not lag behind in our daily homework?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  It is not good to lag behind in homework.  Shortfalls for one or two days are alright, but over prolonged periods they will become a retraction.  Let me ask you, if you are absent from school for one or two days, you can apply medical leaves because of a health issue.  However, if you did not attend school for a whole month, would you not retreat from schooling?

Caller: Yes, indeed.  Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has been concerned all along with the Buddhist practitioner’s cultivation in Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.  There was a time where she procrastinated reciting the daily Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance for a week and then did all the recitations incessantly over the weekend.

Translated by Oriental Radio Practice Centre (Singapore)

Wenda20160501B 54:18 [Audience Called-in Master Lu Jun Hong's "Wenda" a Metaphysics Q&A radio program on Australia Oriental Radio Station]

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Wenda20160327B 24:04  [Master Jun Hong Lu’s radio program extracts]

precepts samadhi wisdom
Master Lu Jun Hong at Dharma Talks Event, Sabah

Caller: We know that there are two approaches in gaining wisdom, that is, through performing recitation and through observing “precepts, samadhi and wisdom”. Of these two approaches, which is more effective?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course, it is observing “precepts, samadhi and wisdom”. It is faster to gain wisdom through observing precepts and samadhi. This is because you are well aware of the “Do’s and Don’ts”. As you develop your morality by adhering to the precepts, your mind will become more easily controlled, enabling you to develop your power of concentration. With the development of concentration, wisdom will arise.
Performing recitation, on the other hand, relies on the Bodhisattva to bless you with a little more wisdom. However, if you do not observe the precepts and abstain from committing unwholesome acts, the Bodhisattva will not be able to grant you wisdom even if you perform recitation.

Caller: Understood. As an example, when we are troubled by something, reciting the Heart Sutra many times can only help us to gain wisdom at that very moment, meaning that it’s only temporarily. Is that right?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s right. Also, wisdom may not necessarily arise at that moment. Let me give you an example, after reciting the Heart Sutra, many people would start to think, “Hey, perhaps I should listen to Master Jun Hong Lu’s “Buddhism in Plain Terms” radio program. In this case, it is the Bodhisattva who has guided him to listen to “Buddhism in Plain Terms” in order to help him gain wisdom. Reciting scriptures may not be able to help you think something through immediately. It works by channelling us to some other means to solve our issues. It is like when we are ill and Guan Yin Bodhisattva would help us find a good doctor for our treatment.

Namaste, Page Admin

Master Lu Jun Hong's Prediction for 2018

Master Lu's prediction for 2018:  卢台长2018年的开示

australia 2or oriental radio
Master Lu Jun Hong interviewed

💝 Be cautious with the forest fire, earthquakes, and volcanoes that might happen in 2018, especially if you live close to the mountain area or live in Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, etc.

2018 is a year of fire, so people are quick to anger. If you feel that you’re about to lose temper, you'd better move your feet (walk around).

Upon leaving home and lock the door, think of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, bow your head, nod, and seek peace and safety for your home and the trip.

In 2018, you’d better choose even days for the stock market and the real estate trading day. For marriage and moving, better to select even months. 💝

Master Lu 2018 Sydney Dharma Talk

💝2018 要注意森林大火,地震不断,火山爆发。住在靠山区的要注意;印尼日本台湾新西兰等等。
2018 股市,房地产的买卖要选双日比较好。

——20180211 澳洲悉尼法会

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Saturday 10 March 2018

【积善的方法】十个善等于一个功德(中英版,Chinese & English versions)

积善的方法 ; 十个善等于一个功德

Means of Accumulating Merits——Ten Good Deeds Are Equivalent to One ‘Merit and Virtue’

● 人家讲别人不好,自己不讲别人不好,一次一善。
Refraining from criticizing those who were already under verbal attack counts as one good deed.

● 人家传播别人不好,你去劝他,一次五善。
Dissuading others from broadcasting other people’s shortcomings counts as five good deeds.

● 对父母亲一天尊敬不顶撞,一日算一善。
Respecting your parents and refraining from talking back to them for a full day counts as one good deed.

● 工作一天非常努力,一善。
Working diligently for a full day counts as one good deed.

● 尊敬长辈、尊敬领导一天,一善。
Respecting your elders and your superiors at work for a full day counts as one good deed.

● 放生,一命一善,小命十命为一善(小的生命十条命为一善),大命(比如狗、牛)为十善(一条大鱼一善,一条黑鱼一善)。
Life liberations are good deeds. Releasing an animal counts as one good deed. However, this depends on the size of the animal.
Freeing ten small animals counts as one good deed;
Rescuing a large animal (such as a dog or a cow) counts as ten good deeds;
Freeing a large fish, or a blackfish counts as one good deed.

● 把死掉的小动物埋葬,一条命五善;如果是小的,比如麻雀,五条命一善。
Burying a dead animal counts as five good deeds. However, it also depends on the size of the animal.
For example, burying the dead bodies of five small animals (such as sparrows) counts as one good deed.

● 安慰有烦恼忧愁的人,一次一善。
Comforting people who are distressed or sad counts as one good deed.

● 用米饭喂小鸟、蚂蚁、小虫子等,两次一善。
Feeding birds, ants or other insects with rice twice counts as one good deed.

● 见到伪经劝人不要学,为一善。
Dissuading others from studying forged scriptures counts as one good deed.

● 为君王、亲友、父母、知识诵经一卷,二善;念佛号千声,二善;礼佛百拜,为别人拜是二善,为自己拜是一善。
Reciting a Buddhist scripture once for kings, nobles, parents, family members, and virtuous and high-minded friends counts as two good deeds;
Chanting the name of a Buddha a thousand times counts as two good deeds;
Making a hundred prostrations to a Buddha for the benefit of others counts as two good deeds, whilst doing so for yourself counts as one good deed.

● 讲大乘佛经,五个人以上浏览,一善。人越多,多多益善。
Making an online post explaining Mahayana Buddhist scriptures counts as one good deed. This only counts if the post is viewed by at least five people. The more people view this post, the more good deeds will be accumulated.

● 借人财物,如期而还,不过期限,一善。
Returning a borrowed article on time counts as one good deed.

● 把各位善贤大德向善的话语发给大家看,十善。
Circulating teachings promoting morality written by sages or virtuous personages counts as ten good deeds.

● 见善必行,一次一善;知错必改,一次一善。
Performing acts of kindness wherever possible. One act of kindness counts as one good deed.
Promptly correcting a mistake you have made counts as one good deed.

● 向老板上司说别人的优点,向别人推荐其他有能力的人,一个人才十善。
Speaking highly of the merits of a colleague or recommending a talented person to your supervisor counts as ten good deeds.

● 看到别人骂善人,劝他不要这样做,五善。
Dissuading others from insulting a virtuous person counts as five good deeds.

● 别人骂你,你不骂他,一次一善;别人伤害你,你不伤害别人,一次一善。
Refraining from retaliating against those who have insulted or hurt you counts as one good deed.

● 自己承担过错,或者把功劳推给别人,一次二善。
Bearing the faults of others or giving credit to others counts as two good deeds.

● 宣扬他人的善行,一次一善。
Highlighting others’ good deeds counts as one good deed.

● 煮死一条鱼,削禄二十善。
Killing a fish undoes twenty good deeds.

● 怨天尤人一次,削禄三善。
Complaining the heaven is not fair and blaming everyone and everything but yourself undoes three good deeds.

* Edited and proofread by 2OR Secretariat

摘自2018年1月21日卢军宏台长《玄艺问答 》广播节目。
Excerpt from Master Junhong Lu's radio program on Jan. 21, 2018.

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Tuesday 19 September 2017

Can We Change The Predetermined Calamity?


master lu jun hong
Chanting Scriptures Change Your life, fate, and destiny
Caller:  Master Lu, how do you derive at the number of fish to be liberated during totem reading?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  The amount of fish to be liberated is a figure.

Caller:  Is this figure advised by Bodhisattva….?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  It could be a message from Bodhisattva or the person’s predestined affinity.  The amount of fish that ought to be liberated will appear.  For example, the figure that appears frequently is 1200; many people are required to liberate this amount of fish.

I reckon 1200 fish is a cardinal number.  For instance, when there is predetermined calamity, we should not worry but to liberate the fish gradually; when we reach 1,200 fish, our fate and destiny will start to transform immediately.

Caller:  You mentioned 1,200 is the cardinal number.  In that case, when a Buddhist friend encountered a calamity, he should make a vow to liberate 1,200 fish, am I right?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  That’s right.  When you are unable to call through the Totem enquiry hotline, make a vow based on 1200 fish.

Caller:  What’s the amount of fish on the next tier, after 1200?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  1800.

Caller:  What is the following amount?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  What comes next will be our perseverance in performing life liberation.  Let me reiterate, 1200 is the cardinal number.  It means that with this amount of fish liberated, we will be able to notice the changes taking place.  The main point is, when we follow Bodhisattva's advice of 1200 fish, we will start to see our fate and destiny taking a turn after fulfilling this amount.

Caller: I understand.  Once again you have divulged some information to everybody today!

Master Jun Hong Lu:  If you didn’t ask, how would others ever get to know?  There are many other things that I wish to tell all of you but I just couldn’t recall.  The moment you ask, I can then share with you!

Caller:  I understand.  Thank you, Master, for answering my question.

Shuohua20170818 19:22
(Audience Called-in Master Lu Jun Hong's "Wenda" a Metaphysics Q&A radio program on Australia Oriental Radio Station)

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