Saturday 16 July 2016

Metaphysics Q&A – Performing recitations and its effects on karma and casualty

Q024: Hi Master Lu Jun Hong, is karma or causality unchangeable? Can we change the fruits of our karma through performing recitations? Can we consider the fact that we have encountered Master Lu to be part of our karma?
  • Can we change karma and causalities? 70% of our fate is predetermined, and 30% is changeable. Some people go to fortune telling and their readings are very accurate. It is because their 30% changeable fate is not strong enough to influence the 70% that is not changeable. Hence their lives will run according to the 70% predetermined fate.
  • Are we able to change that 70% predetermined portion of our fate? We cannot change it through our own effort alone. It is like a child who sees a 7kg object but only has the strength to lift 3kg. How is this child going to lift that 7kg object? We need to rely on the blessings and power from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to help us.
  • You are the only person who can change your own karma and causalities – no one else can change it for you. Just like your own temperament and personality – you are the only person who can instigate a change.
If you wish to know more about How To Start Performing Recitations, please contact me via WeChat. My WeChat ID is vongyun  I will have your questions answered.

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