Saturday 16 July 2016

Metaphysics Q&A – Suffering from headaches when performing recitations

Q009: Master Junhong Lu, I have started to recite the Little House (Hsiao Fang Tzu) for the two babies that I aborted. I just finished the first Little House and I have been suffering from headaches for two days. What is going on? What should I do? Please advise!
  • Generally, if you suffer from headaches when you perform recitations, this is a signal given by foreign spirits asking you to speed up your progress in reciting Little Houses.
  • It may be your deceased children or other Karmic Creditors who are giving you these signals. You must be persistent and continue to recite.
  • Now that you can recite Little Houses, your Karmic Creditors would come and ask you to repay your karmic debts.
  • Some people might say, “Then it would be better for me to not recite, so I won’t have to suffer from headaches.” This is not true. It is better to use Little Houses to repay your karmic debts now. If you don’t recite now, you will repay your karmic debts in other forms later, such as suffering from illness, experiencing misfortune, or being involved in car accidents.
  • For the recitation of Little Houses to be effective, you must perform your Daily Recitation as the foundation. Most importantly, you should mindfully and respectfully recite the Great Compassion Mantra(Ta Pei Chou) to increase your spiritual power, and you will become better at reciting Little Houses.

If you wish to know more about How To Start Performing Recitations, please contact me via WeChat. My WeChat ID is vongyun  I will have your questions answered.

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