Wednesday 16 August 2017

Award ceremony for the master Jun Hong Lu as Honorary visiting professor in Siena University

Master Jun Hong Lu with Mr. Make of ICD Institute

promote world peace human value
Honorary Visiting Professor Lu Jun Hong at Sienna University of Italy 

At 16:00 of April 2, 2014, the Danish royal photographer Zhong Min PENG (hired photographer of International Cultural Diplomacy Institute ICD), the Vice Chairman Mr. MAKE of International Culture Diplomacy Institute, the former deputy prime minister Mr. Busek in Austria and the former foreign minister Dr. Kesary Gulees in Cyprus come to the MELIA hotel from the Rome conference centre of International Culture Diplomacy Institute.
At 17:00, the International Culture Diplomacy Institute and the Siena University of Italy in Italy hold the Award ceremony for the master Jun Hong LU (Master Jun Hong LU World Renowned Chinese Spiritual Leader), who is the world-famous Chinese buddhist spiritual leader, the CEO and master of Australia Oriental Chinese radio developing the Buddha dharma for more than 20 years, and the president of Australia Chineseas Buddhist Society, as the ‘Honorary visiting professor’in Siena University of Italy in the MELIA hotel.
The Vice Chairman Mr. MAKE of International Culture Diplomacy Institute made the following speech: Mr Jun Hong. LU tries his best to advocate and promote people all over the world to seek spiritual ballast and blesses the peace for European people, so he is worth the award of ‘Honorary visiting professor’in Siena University,
The former deputy prime minister Mr. Busek in Austria said: the peaceful thought and idea of the Chinese buddhist spirit president Jun Hong LU arrives the Siena University of Italy at the first time, the Siena University offers the master’s degree after global city research and cultural diplomacy, which enhances the human value, promote the social harmony, progress and development.
The former foreign minister Dr. Kesary Gulees in Cyprus said: the charity of Mr. Jun Hong LU obtains good reaction in society, the award ceremony today shows the outstanding contribution of Mr. Jun Hong. LU
Over 300 members and Buddhist from 15 countries such as Italy, Denmark, France, Australia UK Malaysia Germany participated the award ceremony with excited, joyful and thankful feeling and witness the breathtaking moment of Chinese people entering the mainstream cultural society.
The Siena University was built in 1240 at Siena which is an ancient city in middle area of Italy, it is the oldest university in Italy over 770 years. The Siena University is also a famous national university in Italy and Europe.
In the Award ceremony, the master LU wearing red doctorial robe with golden edge and doctorial hat of Siena University sit at the center of rostrum elegantly.
His buddhist teachings has great impact on more than 10 millions of people in the world as per today, in 2017. 

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