Wednesday 16 August 2017

Master Jun Hong Lu and his 10 millions buddhist fellowship in aim of enhancing human value

Mr. Lu Jun Hong -  A unique person who is awarded ‘Global Community 

Special Contribution Peace Prize

Belin Jun Hong Lu
Danish journalist in person with Mr. Lu Jun Hong, in Berlin, at ICD.

berlin ICD awards
Lu Jun Hong gave a speech about how religion counters challenges faced in modern society

Special Contribution Peace Prize’ in eight prize winners in the WorldAt 9: 00 p.m. of Dec. 18, a ceremonious prize-awarding ceremony was held in the Hall at ICD in Berlin Germany. The ICD awarded the eight special contributors for the global community in the aspects of peace construction, human rights and arts in the world. Jun hong Lu, the world-famous Chinese Buddhist Teacher, the president and Director of Australia Oriental Chinese Broadcasting Station who has developed and expanded Buddha dharma for more than 20 years in Australia, and the president of Chinese Buddhist society in Australia, was uniquely awarded ‘Global Community Special Contribution Peace Prize’ for commending his outstanding contribution to developing and expanding the Chinese traditional essential culture and the Buddhism and maintaining world Peace.

Within estimation of 10 millions disciples (as per 2017) and Buddhist fellowships of the Mahayana Buddhist teacher Jun hong Lu, he and his 100 disciples and Buddhist fellowship representatives from Australia, Spain, England, Malaysia, Germany, France, Singapore, Hong Kong, Ireland and other countries were made an exception by the ICD and were approved to participate the Opening Ceremony and the Prize-Awarding Ceremony to witness the dramatic moment when Lu Jun hong is awarded and the Chinese person enters into the mainstream societMark Donfried with Master Jun Hong Lu, World Renowned Chinese Spiritual Leader, and the Hon. Halldór Ásgrímsson, Vice President of the ICD; Former Prime Minister of Iceland; Former Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers. Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2013Master Jun Hong Lu, World Renowned Chinese Spiritual Leader, receives the ICD Award for Execeptional Contribution and Peace Advocacy to the Global Community.
(Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2013)
Master Jun Hong Lu, World Renowned Chinese Spiritual Leader, receives the ICD Award for Execptional Contribution and Peace Advocacy to the Global Community.He has been spoken efter   the ICD Award :“I am very pleased that ICD invited me to be part of this great conference this year. I also thank   the support from everyone here.
Thank ICD for presenting me with such a great honour. I feel very privileged. This award     will certainly inspire me to work harder,   and do everything I can to promote intercultural exchange and world peace.
In the meantime, I hope that, through this event, more people can understand the concepts of Buddhism better and welcome them with open arms, so that we can be closer to the dream of a more peaceful world.
The right way of thinking and true wisdom, are the fundamentals for our correct understanding of this world. They are also the fundamentals for providing fitting solutions to the problems we face today.However, the deviation from the correct way of thinking, and our lack of wisdom,   result  in  our incorrect understanding of the world we live in today. Because of this, we fail to deal with the problems we face in the world with intelligence and wisdom.
That is why we find these long-lasting conflicts between people, and between nations and there does not seem to be functional solutions to them.
Moreover, in our modern society, failing to see through the true nature of things has resulted in harm to ourselves. Therefore, all kinds of mental disorders arise and they become a real problem in many parts of this World. The development of many problems depends on, to a great extent, how we view and understand them. Since we do not understand these issues fully, we actually contribute to the complex development of these problems.
In other words, if our limited understanding of a certain issue accounts for more than 50% of the way we see it in our minds, the solution we provide to the issue can only be limited, or incomprehensive. Hence, all kinds of conflicts can take place.
Therefore, making our minds pure, and transforming the way we see things, can help us become more open-minded, and more selfless. We will be able to let go of our ego, and regard all people with compassion. If we can put the concepts of Buddhism into practice, then I believe,  this world will certainly be filled with love and peace.
I will do everything I can, to promote the unity of all kinds of faiths in the world with the concepts of Buddhism, and to promote intercultural exchange. In the meantime, I hope that, together, we can make this world a more peaceful place. “

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