Saturday 16 July 2016

Metaphysics Q&A – Performing recitations and its effects on karma and casualty

Q024: Hi Master Lu Jun Hong, is karma or causality unchangeable? Can we change the fruits of our karma through performing recitations? Can we consider the fact that we have encountered Master Lu to be part of our karma?
  • Can we change karma and causalities? 70% of our fate is predetermined, and 30% is changeable. Some people go to fortune telling and their readings are very accurate. It is because their 30% changeable fate is not strong enough to influence the 70% that is not changeable. Hence their lives will run according to the 70% predetermined fate.
  • Are we able to change that 70% predetermined portion of our fate? We cannot change it through our own effort alone. It is like a child who sees a 7kg object but only has the strength to lift 3kg. How is this child going to lift that 7kg object? We need to rely on the blessings and power from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to help us.
  • You are the only person who can change your own karma and causalities – no one else can change it for you. Just like your own temperament and personality – you are the only person who can instigate a change.
If you wish to know more about How To Start Performing Recitations, please contact me via WeChat. My WeChat ID is vongyun  I will have your questions answered.

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Namaste, Page Admin

Metaphysics Q&A – How to Resolve Conflicts in Marriage/Relationships?

Dear Junhong Lu : How do we resolve a couple’s conflicts or conflicts in marriage? Chinese fortune tellers would say that such incompatibility could be predetermined. As a follower of your Buddhist practice— Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, I recite Buddhist scriptures as you instruct. But I still can’t wrap my head around the issue.  I recite the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots (Chieh Chieh Chou) every day, but still hope that you could give me a prescription for this problem.  Such “predetermined incompatibility” in relationships seems so destructive that I’ve seen many couples around me breaking up because of this.
“Predetermined incompatibility” in marriage relationships does exist. If you confirm that a husband and his wife are indeed incompatible with each other based upon the reading after matching the husband’s date of birth with that of his wife (a Chinese fortune-telling practice), you could consider the following methods to resolve the conflict:
  • First, it’s recommended that the couple sleep in different rooms.
  • Each person should recite the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots (Chieh Chieh Chou) 21 to 49 times per day to resolve karmic conflicts.
  • The effectiveness rate of resolving a couple’s conflicts by reciting the following sutras and mantras could be 50% (actual results vary from person to person):
  1. Recite the Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching) for each other 7 to 21 times per day.
  2. Recite the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance (Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen) to repent and eliminate the karmic obstacles that lead to the conflicts in marriage/relationship.
If the situation has not been turned around after using all of the above methods for a while, you will need to recite Little Houses (Hsiao Fang Tzu) for each other.  Address the Little Houses to the “Karmic Creditor of <your partner’s name>”. You can recite more Little Houses if required.

If you wish to know more about How To Start Performing Recitations, please contact me via WeChat. My WeChat ID is vongyun  I will have your questions answered.

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Namaste, Page Admin

Metaphysics Q&A – Suffering from headaches when performing recitations

Q009: Master Junhong Lu, I have started to recite the Little House (Hsiao Fang Tzu) for the two babies that I aborted. I just finished the first Little House and I have been suffering from headaches for two days. What is going on? What should I do? Please advise!
  • Generally, if you suffer from headaches when you perform recitations, this is a signal given by foreign spirits asking you to speed up your progress in reciting Little Houses.
  • It may be your deceased children or other Karmic Creditors who are giving you these signals. You must be persistent and continue to recite.
  • Now that you can recite Little Houses, your Karmic Creditors would come and ask you to repay your karmic debts.
  • Some people might say, “Then it would be better for me to not recite, so I won’t have to suffer from headaches.” This is not true. It is better to use Little Houses to repay your karmic debts now. If you don’t recite now, you will repay your karmic debts in other forms later, such as suffering from illness, experiencing misfortune, or being involved in car accidents.
  • For the recitation of Little Houses to be effective, you must perform your Daily Recitation as the foundation. Most importantly, you should mindfully and respectfully recite the Great Compassion Mantra(Ta Pei Chou) to increase your spiritual power, and you will become better at reciting Little Houses.

If you wish to know more about How To Start Performing Recitations, please contact me via WeChat. My WeChat ID is vongyun  I will have your questions answered.

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Namaste, Page Admin

Friday 15 July 2016

Who is Lu Jun Hong?

Master Jun Hong Lu is a well-known leader of the Chinese community in Sydney. For the past 20 years, he has been the President of Chinese radio stations, and is highly respected by Chinese listeners. Master Jun Hong Lu is also the President of the Australian Chinese Buddhist Research Centre, the President of community groups in the Australian Chinese communities, as well as the Vice President of the Australia Chinese People China Peaceful Reunification Association (CCPPA). He has a strong affiliation with his country of origin. For the past few decades, Master Jun Hong Lu has been contributing to world peace, and promoting the cultural exchange between Australia and China. In recent years, he has been tirelessly propagating traditional Chinese culture and Buddhism to the world.

Master Jun Hong Lu, the world famous Buddhist teacher, is also the President of 2OR Australian Oriental Radio. He has been hosting the top radio program, ‘The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics’, for over 20 years. Through his transcendental power for Totem Enquiry, he provides guidance to countless listeners all around the world. ‘The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics’ is on air in Sydney, Australia, and is also available for download over the Internet. Currently, there are over 5 million Buddhists following Master Jun Hong Lu’s teachings, the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, with over 18 million visitors to his website.

In times of uncertainties, words of wisdom from a grand master would help us to clear our confusion. Master Jun Hong Lu has studied Buddhism and metaphysics since an early age, and received guidance from grand Buddhist masters and venerables. He has the ability to connect with the spiritual world, surpassing life and death. For decades, Master Jun Hong Lu has renounced fame and fortune, and has dedicated himself to propagate Buddhist teachings to the world. With the mission to promote traditional Chinese culture, he provides teachings of “loving kindness and compassion”, as well as the essence of Zen Buddhism and Confuciusm. Master Jun Hong Lu encourages people to refrain from wrongdoings and perform good deeds. Through the extraordinary metaphysics approach, he helps people from all over the world to overcome difficulties in life, and guides them to have the Proper Faith in Buddhism. Master Jun Hong Lu promotes learning from the ‘Buddhist Recitation Collection’ advocated by the late President of the Buddhist Association of China, Mr Zhao Puchu.

full article reference : Who is Master Lu Jun Hong

If you wish to know more about How To Start Performing Recitations, please contact me via WeChat. My WeChat ID is vongyun  I will have your questions answered.

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Namaste, Page Admin